The 5 Must Have Supplements for Your Health

It’s not easy to eat right all the time and even if you are you may not know that consuming fruit, for instance, with protein will inhibit your bodies ability to absorb the nutrients you are ingesting.

Taking certain supplements will help to insure that you are getting the nutrients you need everyday.

Bioavailability and absorption are two important factors when it comes to sufficient intake of micronutrients. For example, oxalates are a chemical found in tea. While herbal teas are good for you, this chemical can limit the bioavailability of several nutrients, like iron and calcium. Tea has become as much a staple in many diets as coffee or water – meaning your body may not be benefiting from your “perfect” diet.

Another common example is consuming milk with a meal containing eggs – it is highly unlikely you will absorb much of the calcium in the milk. Iron, found in eggs, binds calcium in the intestines, limiting absorption. Ideally, these two micronutrients should be consumed three hours apart, but do you really have time for that much planning and fretting?

Supplements, however, do not replace healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

Choose those supplements which are designed to address our specific needs and you can achieve optimal health and benefits for your body and mind.

Struggling with Weakness or Fatigue?

Don’t let these feelings get in the way of your fitness goals. Instead, get your iron levels checked. Low-iron or iron deficiency anemia can lead to a host of symptoms including: tiredness, low-motivation and poor circulation.


Are Fish Oil Supplements Good For You?

Because it has a positive effect on memory, some people think of fish as “brain food.” Others believe it’s a healthier source of protein than meat or poultry. Whatever your feelings are about fish, the omega-3 fatty acids contained in this superfood have been proven to lower fats called triglycerides and prevent heart disease and heart attacks. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are also effective for high blood pressure, weak bones, hardening of the arteries, depression, psychosis, weight loss, memory loss, and high cholesterol.

While recommended weekly amounts of fish vary, in order to reap the benefits of fish you should consider eating at least 2-to-3 servings of fish per week. Three ounces of sardines has about 1.3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, while a 3-ounce serving of herring or Atlantic salmon has around 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming 2-to-3 servings of fish each week is not always feasible. Fortunately, fish oil supplements can fill the gap.

Although doctors recommend getting the fish oil you need from fresh fish, fish oil supplements are an excellent substitute. They offer the same benefits as consuming fish because they are made from the same types of fish that offer the most benefits. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH) fish that are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids include mackerel, tuna, salmon, sturgeon, mullet, bluefish, anchovy, sardines, herring, trout, and menhaden. They provide about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids in about 3.5 ounces of fish. Fish oil supplements are usually made from mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, or seal blubber.

Many fish oil supplements contain other beneficial vitamins such as vitamin E to prevent spoilage, as well as calcium, iron, or vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, or D. The amount of fish oil that should be taken for any given condition will be determined by a physician, but for overall health, 650 milligrams to 1 gram of fish oil per day is recommended. For specific conditions, the recommended dosage amounts are:

-Aging 1,000 mg twice a day
-Angina 2,000 mg fish oils 3 times a day
-Arrhythmia 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-Asthma 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-Cancer 3 capsules twice a day
-Crohn’s Disease 2,000 mg twice a day
-Diabetes 2,000 mg 3 times a day
-Eczema 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-Gout 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-Heart Disease Prevention 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-High Blood Pressure 1,000 mg 3 times a day
-Lupus 2,000 mg 3 times a day
-Psoriasis 2,000 mg 3 times a day
-Raynaud’s disease 1,000 mg 4 times a day
-Rheumatoid Arthritis 1000 mg (2 capsules) containing 600 mg EPA/DHA, twice a day
-Skin Health 1,000 mg a day with food
-Stroke 1,000 mg 3 times a day

Before taking fish oil or any other type of supplement, it’s best to speak with your physician to determine if the supplement is right for you and the recommended dosage amount. Consuming high doses of fish oil may increase the risk of blood in the urine, hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke, and nosebleeds.


Daily consumption for optimum health

As a follow-up to a previous article “Everything in moderation, right?“, I decided to educate my readers on substances so vital to there health daily consumption is essential. Below is a portion of “Daily Consumption“.

Coconut oil

Taken from the fruit portion of the seed off the coconut palm tree, coconut oil is one the most beneficial foods you can consume. In tropical regions where coconut oil or fat is a large portion of their caloric intake, people are much healthier and experience a much lower incidence of the modern diseases we do in the U.S. [17, 18]

There is an array of positive research published in the last few years showing the significance of coconut oil. [19] Coconut oil is classified as a “functional food” because of its health benefits that go far beyond its nutritional content. In fact, the coconut palm is so highly valued by Pacific Islanders as a source of food and medicine that it is called “The Tree of Life.” [20]

Coconut oil is the most saturated of all fats. Saturated fat has three subcategories: short chain, medium chain and long chain. Coconut oil contains approximately 65% medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although recognized for its health benefits many centuries ago, it wasn’t until 40 years ago that modern medicine found the source to be MCFA. Remarkably, mother’s milk contains the same healing powers of coconut oil. [21]

The saturated medium chain lipid lauric acid, which comprises more than 50 percent of coconut oil, is the anti-bacterial, anti-viral fatty acid found in mother’s milk. [22] The body converts lauric acid into the fatty acid derivative monolaurin, which is the substance that protects adults as well as infants from viral, bacterial or protozoal infections. This was recognized and reported as early as 1966. [23]

Sources located here


Supplements every guy needs

Men?s lays out supplements every guy needs to have in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

The Base Plan (also for you if you’re in your 20s):

Supplements1) Multivitamin
No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys still don’t take a multi. The key to making ’em work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffeepot?something you hit every day without fail. Make sure your multi also contains two key nutrients: selenium (for its cancer protective effects) and zinc (which helps you make sperm). Also, check the capsule size and dosage. It’s easier to take one pill rather than two or three.

2) Fish Oil
Fish is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain and heart health and act as a natural anti-infl ammatory?especially benefi cial if you have sports injuries or aching joints. Even if you manage to eat the two to three recommended servings of fi sh each week, Carlson still suggests popping one to three grams of fi sh oil daily, veering toward the higher side if fi sh isn’t really your meat of choice. Also look for a brand that contains both EPA and DPA, the two key healthy fats in fish.

3) Probiotics
These are good bacteria?the same kind found in your intestine?that aid with overall gut health and enhance your immune system. You can get probiotics in your diet by eating yogurt, fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, and some juices and soy beverages. However, if you’re not eating those foods regularly, take a probiotic supplement with at least 10 billion live bacteria from one or more of the Lactobacillus family. It’s generally best to take one capsule before bed.

Click here to read the entire article.


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