Vegan diet kills 11 month old Posted by Mike Furci (04/27/2011 @ 9:26 am) Vegans Sergine and Joel Le Moaligou fed their 11-month-old daughter Louise only mother’s milk, and she died suffering from a vitamin deficiency. The two are currently on trial in northern France, charged with neglect. The pair called the emergency services in March 2008 after becoming worried about their baby’s listlessness. When the ambulance arrived, the baby was already dead. According to Yahoo Health: “An autopsy showed that Louise was suffering from a vitamin A and B12 deficiency which experts say increases a child’s sensitivity to infection and can be due to an unbalanced diet … The couple did not follow the doctor’s advice to hospitalize the baby who was suffering from bronchitis and was losing weight when they went for the nine-month check-up.” Breast milk is the best food hands-down you can give to your baby. But, it does have one downfall: its nutritional value is influenced by the mother’s diet. If the mother is consuming a diet that tends to be deficient in nutrients, such as a vegan diet, nutrients will be missing in her breast milk. In the tragic case reported above, it appears 11-month-old Louise lost her life because her mom’s vegan diet created vitamin deficiencies in the breast milk she was exclusively fed on. Sadly, there were warning signs that the milk was not providing proper nutrition months before her death, as the baby was sickly and losing weight, but they were ignored. People following a strict vegan diet are often convinced that it is the healthiest way of eating possible, which was most likely the case with Louise’s parents. But this tragedy can serve as a powerful warning for those who choose to avoid all animal foods. Yahoo Health Posted in: Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of a vegan diet, do vegans live longer?, Multivitamins, Vegan, Vegan diet, vegan diet for controlling blood sugar, vegan food,, yahoo health,
Testosterone boosters, vegans, creatine and multivitamins Posted by Mike Furci (10/24/2009 @ 9:46 am) Are taking multivitamins necessary? do they work? How does a vegan get leaner? Should they be eating soy? Are testosterone boosters safe and effective? Which ones should I take and what’s the best way to take them? Below is a sample of the recent Q&A column on Q:Mike, I?m currently taking a multivitamin because I?m trying to change my health for the better. Is this a good choice? Should I be taking other supplements? A:Sergio, Short answer No. Multi vitamins are a waste because the absorption is so poor. Some vitamins and minerals compete with one another making absorption even worse. What I take: Vitamin D (most important) 10,000iu per day, Vitamin A once per week 5000iu, CoQ10 100mg/day, Omega 3 fish oil, CLA, and cook with coconut and olive oils. I recommend reading my article “Daily consumption for optimum health”, and below are a few other websites to consult. (this is where I purchase vitamin D) (this is where I get omega 3, CLA and CoQ10.) (this is where I get my probiotics)
Posted in: Anti-Aging, Creatine, Diets, Foods products, Nutrition, Protein, Supplements, Testosterone, Testosterone boosters, Vitamins/Minerals Tags: benefits of creatine, best multivitamin, best multivitamin brands, Creatine, creatine facts, creatine monohydrate, daily multivitamin, daily multivitamin mineral supplement, Detrimental effects of soy, herbal testosterone boosters, is creatine safe, multivitamin, Multivitamins, natural testosterone boosters, negative effects of creatine, should I take creatine, side effects of creatine, side effects of soy, soy, soy beans, soy isoflavones, soy milk, soy oil, soy products, soy protein, soy side effects, soy supplements, Testosterone boosters, Vegan diet, vegan food, vegans, when to take multivitamins
Is popping multivitamins on a daily basis a risk to your health? Posted by Anthony Stalter (08/27/2009 @ 9:32 pm) This article by Men?s says so: Mom always said to take your vitamins. But she didn’t mean overdo it. Thirty-five percent of adults swallow a multivitamin on a regular basis, but several studies warn that an abundance of extra nutrients may not be as good for the body as previously suspected. Just check out the data.
DIABETES: While vitamin K and thiamine appear to help reduce risk factors, scientists warn that selenium in vitamins may increase the risk of type-2 diabetes. PROSTATE CANCER: Too many multis may increase your risk of developing a form of fatal prostate cancer, according to data from the National Cancer Institute. LUNG DISEASE: Multivitamins don’t protect against lung cancer, say scientists at the University of Washington. (In fact, too much vitamin E may increase the risk.) LONGEVITIY: Perhaps most alarmingly, vitamin supplements may increase your overall mortality risk. So says a recent Danish review of 67 studies involving more than 200,000 participants. After analyzing the data, researchers found that people taking vitamins were 4% more likely to die during the course of the study than people who weren’t taking them. Yikes. THE BOTTOM LINE: If your diet sucks, a multi may help. But if you already eat well and buy fortified cereals and breads, you’re likely getting all the nutrients you need.
Interesting. Like most Americans who believe that they?re taking an active role in their health, I ingest a multivitamin on a daily basis (and actually, I take them on a nightly basis). But I don?t know if this article is enough to scare me away from taking them every day. I wish the article had provided more detail as to the appropriate amount of times a week it?s okay to take a multivitamin. Based on that last paragraph, the article would almost lead you to believe that you should take a multivitamin on the days you can?t eat as healthy as you should. Posted in: Cancer, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Prostate health, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: Health tips, longevity, lung disease, Multivitamins, prostate cancer, when to take multivitamins
Supplements every guy needs Posted by Anthony Stalter (02/03/2009 @ 8:43 pm) Men?s lays out supplements every guy needs to have in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond. The Base Plan (also for you if you’re in your 20s): 1) Multivitamin No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys still don’t take a multi. The key to making ’em work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffeepot?something you hit every day without fail. Make sure your multi also contains two key nutrients: selenium (for its cancer protective effects) and zinc (which helps you make sperm). Also, check the capsule size and dosage. It’s easier to take one pill rather than two or three.
2) Fish Oil Fish is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain and heart health and act as a natural anti-infl ammatory?especially benefi cial if you have sports injuries or aching joints. Even if you manage to eat the two to three recommended servings of fi sh each week, Carlson still suggests popping one to three grams of fi sh oil daily, veering toward the higher side if fi sh isn’t really your meat of choice. Also look for a brand that contains both EPA and DPA, the two key healthy fats in fish. 3) Probiotics These are good bacteria?the same kind found in your intestine?that aid with overall gut health and enhance your immune system. You can get probiotics in your diet by eating yogurt, fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, and some juices and soy beverages. However, if you’re not eating those foods regularly, take a probiotic supplement with at least 10 billion live bacteria from one or more of the Lactobacillus family. It’s generally best to take one capsule before bed. Click here to read the entire article. Posted in: Men's Health and Wellness, Sports Health and Fitness, Supplements, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: Best supplements for men, Fish Oil, Multivitamins, Probiotics, Supplements every guy needs, Supplements for men