A bacteria deficiency?

Whether you know it or not the body needs certain types of bacteria in order to maintain optimum health. Within our digestive tracks live all types of bacteria. There is a constant battle being waged in our intestines between “good” and “bad” bacteria. The “good” bacteria are called probiotics and fight bad bacteria like E. coli and other pathogenic types.

When our probiotics start to loose the battle in our intestines, one can develop a disorder called dysbiosis. This disorder has been linked to a number of problems including; indigestion, bloating, IBS irritable bowel syndrome, gas, diarrhea, lactose intolerance, bladder infections, skin rashes, colon and breast cancer. Is a probiotic deficiency common? The answer, yes. Many factors can cause a deficiency including; stress, antibiotics, poor diet, infections and aging. Many experts feel without supplementation it’s hard for the average person to have a sufficient amount of probiotics.

When probiotics are winning the battle they perform a number of functions. They are essential in the proper digestion and absorption of food. They keep our immune systems functioning properly – prevent food allergies – repair and maintain the GI tract lining – and suppress “bad” bacteria.

I have found the best product out there to be Theralac. Take 2 capsules per day for the first 2 weeks and once the GI tract has been colonized you can reduce the dose to 2 caps per week.A


Supplements every guy needs

Men?s Fitness.com lays out supplements every guy needs to have in their 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond.

The Base Plan (also for you if you’re in your 20s):

Supplements1) Multivitamin
No rocket science here, but it’s surprising just how many guys still don’t take a multi. The key to making ’em work is to make them part of your routine. Instead of stashing the bottle on a shelf, keep it by your toothbrush or coffeepot?something you hit every day without fail. Make sure your multi also contains two key nutrients: selenium (for its cancer protective effects) and zinc (which helps you make sperm). Also, check the capsule size and dosage. It’s easier to take one pill rather than two or three.

2) Fish Oil
Fish is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for brain and heart health and act as a natural anti-infl ammatory?especially benefi cial if you have sports injuries or aching joints. Even if you manage to eat the two to three recommended servings of fi sh each week, Carlson still suggests popping one to three grams of fi sh oil daily, veering toward the higher side if fi sh isn’t really your meat of choice. Also look for a brand that contains both EPA and DPA, the two key healthy fats in fish.

3) Probiotics
These are good bacteria?the same kind found in your intestine?that aid with overall gut health and enhance your immune system. You can get probiotics in your diet by eating yogurt, fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh, and some juices and soy beverages. However, if you’re not eating those foods regularly, take a probiotic supplement with at least 10 billion live bacteria from one or more of the Lactobacillus family. It’s generally best to take one capsule before bed.

Click here to read the entire article.


Bacteria waste in your gut could help weight loss.

A single molecule in your intestinal wall, activated by the waste products from gut bacteria, plays a large role in controlling whether you are lean or fatty. When activated, the molecule slows the movement of food through the intestine, allowing you to absorb more nutrients and thus gain weight.

Bacterial byproducts are a source of nutrients, but now it appears that they can also be chemical signals used to regulate body functions.

Humans have a large and varied population of beneficial bacteria that live in their intestines. The bacteria break up large molecules that the host cannot digest, and the host in turn absorbs many of the resulting small molecules for energy and nutrients.

Researchers focused on two species of bacteria that break up dietary fibers from food into small molecules called short-chain fatty acids. They found that short-chain fatty acids can bind to and activate a receptor molecule in the gut wall called Gpr41.

When researchers disrupted communication between the bacteria and the receptor in mice, they found that their intestines passed food more quickly, and the mice weighed less and had a leaner build, even though they ate no less than other mice.


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