Benefits of Vitamin D Posted by Staff (05/06/2011 @ 7:59 pm) 
Natural vitamin D is elusive. This necessary nutrient is naturally found in just a handful of foods, but it can be found as an additive in many processed and packaged foods. Vitamin D is also available in supplement form. Fortunately, the average healthy person gets enough vitamin D from sun exposure and food, so deficiencies among healthy adults is uncommon. According to the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (IOM), approximately 5–30 minutes of sun exposure between 10 AM and 3 PM at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs, or back without sunscreen usually lead to sufficient vitamin D synthesis. Moderate use of commercial tanning beds that emit two to six percent UVB radiation is also effective. Individuals with limited sun exposure need to include good sources of vitamin D in their diet or take a supplement to achieve recommended levels of intake. The best food sources of vitamin D are the flesh of fatty fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel. Fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil are also excellent sources. For example, one tablespoon of cod liver oil contains 1,360 IU (international units) of vitamin D. This is 340 percent of the recommended daily amount (RDA). Salmon, mackerel and tuna have 39-112 percent of the RDA. Small amounts of vitamin D can be found naturally in mushrooms, beef liver, egg yolks, and cheese. They contain anywhere from 2-15 percent of the RDA. 
Fortified foods contain vitamin D as well. Fortified milk, orange juice, yogurt, breakfast cereals, margarine, and soymilk contain anywhere from 10 to 31 percent of the RDA. For example, fortified cereal contains 10 percent of the RDA and soymilk contains 30 percent. Fortified milk averages 29 to 31 percent. The RDA for vitamin D is 400 IU for adults and children age 4 and older. For seniors, the RDA is between 400-600 IU. However, research shows that higher daily doses of 700-800 IU may reduce the risk of fracture in adults aged 60 and older by 25 percent. A reduced risk of fracture is just one benefit of vitamin D. Other benefits include: -Helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus (vitamin D’s major biological function) -Aids in the absorption of calcium -Protects against osteoporosis and osteomalacia (hardens bones and teeth) -Protects against hypertension (high blood pressure) -Protects against cancer -Protects against several autoimmune diseases -Protects against rickets in children Sun exposure and consumption through major and fortified food sources should provide enough vitamin D, so supplements are not usually necessary for healthy adults. However, vitamin D deficiency is possible, especially in the elderly population, obese people, exclusively breastfed babies, individuals with fat malabsorption syndromes, individual’s with inflammatory bowel disease, and individuals who have limited sun exposure. In these cases, a supplement may be necessary. 
A physician will determine the amount needed to correct vitamin D deficiency, but the tolerable upper intake levels (ULs) are: -0 to 6 months: 1,000 IU (25 mcg) -7 to 12 months: 1,500 IU (38 mcg) -1 to 3 years: 2,500 IU (63 mcg) -4 to 8 years: 3,000 IU (75 mcg) -9 years and older: 4,000 IU (100 mcg) -Pregnant or lactating: 4,000 IU (100 mcg) When vitamin D deficiency occurs, symptoms may or may not be present until disease has developed. If symptoms are present, they may include: -Bone pain -Delayed tooth formation -Dental deformities -Loss of height -Muscle cramps -Poor growth in children -Poor posture -Spine and other bone deformities -Tingling -Weakness While the consuming the right amount of vitamin D has many benefits, over consumption can be dangerous. Taking too much vitamin D can cause nausea, weight loss, and irritability. Severe side effects include mental and physical growth retardation, movement of calcium from bones into soft tissues, and kidney damage. For more information about vitamin D, visit the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health at Posted in: Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals Tags: Vitamin D, Vitamin D benefits, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, vitamin d facts, vitamin d food sources, vitamin d health benefits, Vitamin D side effects, vitamin d sources, vitamin d supplements, what causes vitamin d deficiency
Vitamin D pumps you up Posted by Mike Furci (02/27/2010 @ 3:31 pm) Researchers observed participants who were 60 years or older while supplementing them with Calcium and vitamin D3. For the first 2 months participants took 150,000IU/month, followed by 90,000 IU/month for the next 4 months. They then compared them to a control group who only took calcium. The participants who took the vitamin D had 16.4% improvement in strength of the muscles of the hips and knees. This increase took place without an exercise plan. J Intern Med,2009;266(3):248-57 Natural Way to Health, Jan 2010,(3)1 Because we produce vitamin D, it’s not a vitamin at all. Vitamin D is actually a pre-hormone that’s arguably the most important substance in our bodies, having an untold number of functions. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people have low or nonexistent levels and are not reaping the benefits of the sunshine vitamin. Posted in: Anti-Aging, Men's Health and Wellness, Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of vitamin d, cancer and vitamin D, foods that contain vitamin d, Headlines, health benefits of vitamin D, Journal of Internal Medicine, low vitamin d level, sources of vitamin d, sunshine vitamin, symptoms of low vitamin d, symptoms of low vitamin d levels, Vitamin D, Vitamin D benefits, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, vitamin d dosage, vitamin d facts, vitamin d food sources, vitamin d levels, Vitamin D side effects
Daily consumption for optimum health Posted by Mike Furci (01/20/2010 @ 9:56 am) As a follow-up to a previous article “Everything in moderation, right?“, I decided to educate my readers on substances so vital to there health daily consumption is essential. Below is a portion of “Daily Consumption“.
Coconut oil Taken from the fruit portion of the seed off the coconut palm tree, coconut oil is one the most beneficial foods you can consume. In tropical regions where coconut oil or fat is a large portion of their caloric intake, people are much healthier and experience a much lower incidence of the modern diseases we do in the U.S. [17, 18] There is an array of positive research published in the last few years showing the significance of coconut oil. [19] Coconut oil is classified as a “functional food” because of its health benefits that go far beyond its nutritional content. In fact, the coconut palm is so highly valued by Pacific Islanders as a source of food and medicine that it is called “The Tree of Life.” [20] Coconut oil is the most saturated of all fats. Saturated fat has three subcategories: short chain, medium chain and long chain. Coconut oil contains approximately 65% medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although recognized for its health benefits many centuries ago, it wasn’t until 40 years ago that modern medicine found the source to be MCFA. Remarkably, mother’s milk contains the same healing powers of coconut oil. [21]
The saturated medium chain lipid lauric acid, which comprises more than 50 percent of coconut oil, is the anti-bacterial, anti-viral fatty acid found in mother’s milk. [22] The body converts lauric acid into the fatty acid derivative monolaurin, which is the substance that protects adults as well as infants from viral, bacterial or protozoal infections. This was recognized and reported as early as 1966. [23] Sources located here
Posted in: Anti-Aging, Diets, Fatty acids, Foods products, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefit of fish oil supplement, benefits of fish oil, benefits of omega 3 fatty acid, benefits of vitamin d, cancer and vitamin D, coconut oil, CoQ10, coq10 and diastolic heart failure, coq10 benefits, coq10 health benefit, coq10 side effects, coq10 supplements, Fish Oil, fish oil side effects, Headlines, is fish oil harmful, low vitamin d level, omega 3 fish oil, omega 3 help depression, Omega-3, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, side effects fish oil, sources of omega-3 fatty acids, sources of vitamin d, sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, Vitamin D benefits, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, vitamin d facts, Vitamin D side effects, what does fish oil do for the body, what is omega 3 good for
Did you know… Posted by Mike Furci (05/09/2009 @ 11:13 am) In my latest “Did you know…” column I discuss more sunshine vitamin benefits (below); the link between obesity and bad sex; the relationship of soy foods and low sperm counts; decreasing your risk of infection in the gym, and cardiologist’s admissions. … there are more than 800 scientific articles showing the effects of vitamin D on cancer? Some researchers point out that increasing vitamin D levels world-wide could prevent numerous diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives per year. Vitamin D, or the ?sunshine vitamin,? is really not a vitamin, but a powerful hormone precursor that has an enormous influence on our bodies. Receptors that respond to the vitamin have been found in almost every human cell. Researchers have found that vitamin D has a direct influence on 3,000 of your 30,000 genes. The health benefits of optimal vitamin D levels are absolutely extraordinary. The main reason it?s not more widely promoted is there is no money to be made from it by the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
Posted in: Anti-Aging, Cancer, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals Tags: cancer and vitamin D, Did You Know?, health benefits of vitamin D, Obesity and sex, sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, vitamin d 3, Vitamin D benefits, vitamin d facts, vitamin d levels, Vitamin D side effects, what happens when your vitamin d levels are low
Vitamin D just gets better. Posted by Mike Furci (11/22/2007 @ 12:04 am) Vitamin D3, which is technically a prehormone, has a whole host of benefits. This invaluable substance has a role in preventing or treating the following: Cancer: It is now accepted that Vitamin D3 reduces the risk of seventeen types of cancer. Multiple Sclerosis: It has been well demonstrated that the risk of MS increases rapidly the further away people live from the equator. The American Academy of Neurology has identified a lack of vitamin D as a predictable indicator in incidence of the deadly disease. Diabetes Heart Disease Hyperparathyroidism Hypertension Mental illness Osteoarthritis Osteopourosis Muscle weakness Periodontal disease Ulcerative colitis Inflammatory bowel disease The study authors established a strong link between vitamin D3 levels and telomere (protects the ends of chromosomes) length. They found that after taking into account the age of the subjects, women with higher vitamin D3 levels were more likely to have longer telomeres. This meant that the telomeres in the subjects with high vitamin D3 levels were five years younger than the telomeres in the subjects with low vitamin D3 levels. The researchers believe that the results demonstrate for the first time that people who have higher levels of vitamin D3 may age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D3. (Vitamin Research Breaking News Nov. 20, 2007)
As with most nutrients in our food supply vitamin D has also almost completely vanished due to over-processing and bad farming. Supplements are your best bet, but make sure you’re using D3 (cholecalciferol). Posted in: Anti-Aging, Cancer, Heart disease, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals Tags: alternative cancer treatments, American Cancer Society, benefits of vitamin d, Cancer, cancer and vitamin D, cancer causes and symptoms, cancer prevention, cancer research, cancer risk by state, Cancer treatment, causes of vitamin d deficiency, foods with vitamin d, health benefits of vitamin D, low vitamin d, low vitamin d level, normal vitamin d level, sources of vitamin d, symptoms of low vitamin d, symptoms of vitamin d deficiency, Vitamin D, vitamin d 3, Vitamin D benefits, vitamin d deficiency, vitamin d deficiency symptoms, vitamin d dosage, vitamin d facts, vitamin d levels, Vitamin D side effects, vitamin d sources, what causes cancer, what causes vitamin d deficiency, what happens when your vitamin d levels are low