Dark roast coffee show’s it’s healthy side Posted by Mike Furci (08/26/2011 @ 9:23 am) A study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, was performed in order to show whether a dark roast coffee beverage had stronger antioxidant effects on humans than a light roast. “Intake of the dark roast CB most effectively improved the antioxidant status of erythrocytes: superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity decreased by 5.8 and 15%, respectively, whereas tocopherol and total glutathione concentrations increased by 41 and 14%, respectively. Furthermore, administration of the NMP-rich CB led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese subjects, whereas the CGA-rich CB did not.”
In other words, dark roast coffee is more effective than light roast coffee in reducing body weight, and in restoring red blood cell vitamin E and glutathione concentrations in healthy volunteers. Many researchers say glutathione is probably the most important substance we require to stay healthy. Many go as far to say it’s the secret to prevent aging. Present in every cell of our body, glutathione levels just might be one of the best biochemical markers there is; the higher your glutathione levels are the healthier you will be. Glutathione deficiency is found in almost all patients with extreme illnesses, e.g., cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, liver disease, diabetes and more. The anti-aging secret Posted in: Anti-Aging, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Drinks, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Obesity, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: alzheimers and coffee, Anti-Aging, anti-aging treatment, best coffee makers, caribou coffee, coffee, coffee and health, coffee and your health, coffee beans, coffee maker, coffee makers, cuisinart coffee makers, glutathione, glutathione precursors, glutathione side effects, glutathione sublingual, green mountain coffee, ground coffee, starbucks coffee, stress and age
Glutathione, the antiaging secret Posted by Mike Furci (07/21/2011 @ 9:16 am) Have you ever heard of glutathione (pronounced; gloota-thigh-own)? Neither has almost anyone else. Many researchers say it’s probably the most important substance we require to stay healthy. Many go as far to say it’s the secret to prevent aging. So where’s Oprah, and the rest of the media? A quick search of the term “glutathione” on PubMed.gov reveals 94,117 scholarly articles, reviews and abstracts. Present in every cell of our body, glutathione levels just might be one of the best biochemical markers there is; the higher your glutathione levels are the healthier you will be. Glutathione deficiency is found in almost all patients with extreme illnesses, e.g., cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, liver disease, diabetes and more. In fact, researchers are concluding glutathione deficiency may play a role in patients with schizophrenia. In cerebrospinal fluid of drug-free schizophrenic patients, a significant decrease in the level of total glutathione was observed as compared to controls. EJN Glutathione’s importance to a properly functioning immune system has been shown in many studies. According to Dr. Gustavo Bounous, “The limiting factor for the proper activity and multiplication of our lymphocytes (white blood cells) is the availability of glutathione”. Every day our bodies are exposed to stress, pollution, infection, drugs (illicit or licit) and alcohol, poor diet, infections and injury, which drain our bodies of glutathione; this depletion leaves our bodies susceptible to high levels of oxidative stress, which leads to aging, disease and eventual death. I predict that concern about glutathione levels will eventually be on par with other preventative health issues. Posted in: Anti-Aging, Cancer, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Product review, Prostate health, Supplements, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: alternative cancer treatments, anti, Anti-Aging, anti-aging treatment, anti-nutrients, antiaging, antiaging clinics, antiaging drugs, antiaging health, antiaging products, antiaging supplements, Cancer, Cancer cures, Cancer treatment, glutathione, glutathione precursors, glutathione side effects, glutathione sublingual, Headlines, Healing Cancer, natural antiaging, Types of cancer
Vitamin D anticancer research project Posted by Mike Furci (04/18/2011 @ 9:15 am) Vitamin D3, which is technically a prehormone, has a whole host of benefits. This invaluable substance has a role in preventing or treating many diseases including cancer. Below you’ll find a letter I received as being a participant in a Vitamin D study, the results of which were published in the International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment GrassrootsHealth New Research Publication in the Anticancer Research Journal, 2/21/2011 Dear Michael, Congratulations and thanks to absolutely everyone who has participated in and supported this project! According to one of our panel members, Dr. Anthony Norman: “This paper provides a long awaited insight into a dose-response relationship between orally administered vitamin D3 and the resulting levels of serum 25(OH)D in over 3600 citizens. The results will allow a new definition of high vitamin D dose safety and reduce concerns about toxicity. This is a landmark contribution in the vitamin D nutrition field!” Anthony Norman Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences, Emeritus University of California Riverside Key findings: There were 3667 people’s first test data reported on No suggestions of toxicity were reported even up to intakes as high as 40,000 IU/day (not a recommended amount, however) It’s going to take about 9600 IU/day to get 97.5% (almost everyone) to the 40 ng/ml level. Individual variations however range from 0 to over 50,000 IU/day! Testing is necessary to determine what the starting serum level is and how to adjust intake It took 3 tests (1 year) to determine the optimal dose for each individual The NEW rule of thumb for dosing will be changed. We’ll publish a chart for all very shortly. Currently, it is stated that you can increase the serum level by 10 ng/ml with 1000 IU/day. Per our research, this is true only when starting at about 10 ng/ml. If you want to go from 50 to 60 ng/ml, it will take an additional 2000 IU/day (i.e., the rise is only 5 ng/ml for each 1000 IU/day). Please visit our website, GrassrootsHealth and listen to the interviews with the study’s authors, Dr. Cedric Garland and Dr. Robert Heaney. They both speak to the significance to public health of this study. Another key item that I am very aware of is the public’s readiness to ‘take charge’ of their own health. With this view and the information to make it happen, we are bound to see some very exciting things with own health! The research article is ‘open access’ so that everyone can download and read it! Please do so here: GrassrootsHealth Research Article Again, very, very many thanks to all of you for your participation and support. You are helping change the face of public health! We CAN move to a much more ‘preventive’ model of healthcare. Please let me know at any time how we can best help. We do need your ongoing financial support as well, to keep ‘spreading the word’. Please consider a donation to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency for our future health. Onwards! Carole Baggerly Director, GrassrootsHealth carole@grassrootshealth.org
Posted in: Anti-Aging, Cancer, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Prostate health, Supplements, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: alternative cancer treatments, Cancer, cancer and vitamin D, Cancer cures, cancer free societies, cancer survivor, Cancer treatment, Headlines, Healing Cancer, health benefits of vitamin D, http://www.grassrootshealth.net, longevity, sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D, Vitamin D benefits, Vitamin D side effects
5 signs your memory loss is not serious Posted by Mike Furci (04/10/2011 @ 9:59 am) It’s natural to feel nervous when you forget something, knowing that Alzheimer’s disease now affects 5.3 million Americans. But a memory slip doesn’t always mean the worst. According to KPHO, the following five situations point toward normal, age-related memory loss. 1. Lapses Don’t Interfere With Everyday Life Slowed recall of information from time to time is normal — erverybody forgets stuff. What’s not normal is when memory impairment interferes with your ability to get through the day. 2. You See an Improvement After ‘Brain Training’ Dementia is not a problem of retrieving old memories so much as it is is an inability to form new ones. If you can still learn new things, you’re still forming new memories. 3. You’ve Just Started A New Medication Drug side effects are one of the more common causes of memory trouble. 4. Nobody Else Seems To Notice Anything’s Amiss Usually, there’s a lot of family friction around the kind of memory loss that predates a diagnosis — arguments over who neglected to do something, missed appointments, or forgotten messages. 5. You’re Forgetful When Stressed, Sleep Deprived or Multitasking A stressed brain is not the same thing as a demented brain. For the entire article go toKPHO.com Posted in: Anti-Aging, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: aging memory loss, alzheimer test, Alzheimer's disease, alzheimers, alzheimers symptoms, causes of dementia, causes of memory loss, causes of short term memory loss, Dementia, dementia symptoms, free online memory tests, Headlines, human memory, loss of memory, memory, Memory Loss, memory test, memory tests, short term memory, short term memory loss, symptoms of dementia, treatment dementia
Having trouble sleeping, try wool Posted by Mike Furci (03/13/2011 @ 9:55 am) You can have the healthiest lifestyle, but if you’re not getting enough sleep, over time you’re setting yourself up for disaster. Sleep deprivation can cause depression, increased risk of diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, head aches, aching muscles, confusion, and memory lapses or loss just to name a few. If you are having sleep problems, or you simply want to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, there are many things you can do, including: * Go to bed around the same time each night, ideally around 10 PM. * Avoid snacking just before bedtime, particularly grains and sugars. * Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F (ideally between 60-68 degrees F. * Eat a high-protein snack several hours before bed. This can provide the amino acid L-tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin and serotonin. * Avoid caffeine as much as possible, especially in the PM. * Make sure you exercise regularly, but not near bedtime. There is one more thing however, that has been shown in scientific studies to improve your sleep. Wool has been proven to outperform both synthetics and down. Dramatic results demonstrated that wool bedding such as comforters and pillows: * Breathes more naturally than any comparable synthetics, so you reduce the thermal stress on your body AND avoid creating a hospitable environment for dust mites. * Increases the length of your REM sleep meaning you benefit more deeply from this vitally important stage of sleep every night. * Helps create the most optimal body temperature the body gets to a comfortable sleeping temperature more quickly and stays there longer. And, if that weren’t enough, recent studies have shown that the resting heart rate of people who sleep under wool versus those who use synthetics is 20 beats per minute less creating a more restorative sleep experience from beginning to end. Mercola.com Posted in: Anti-Aging, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Motivation, Obesity, Sexual Health, Testosterone, Weight Loss, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: cant sleep, dangers of sleep deprivation, Dr Mercola, Dr. Joseph Mercola, effects of sleep deprivation, Headlines, how do you sleep, how to sleep better, mercola.com, psychological effects of sleep deprivation, signs of sleep deprivation, sleep, sleep aids, sleep apnea, sleep apnea treatment, sleep deprivation, sleep deprivation heart disease, sleep deprivation statistics, sleep deprivation symptoms, sleep disorders, stages of sleep, wool, wool blankets, www.mercola.com