Fluoride is rat poison Posted by Mike Furci (08/02/2011 @ 9:19 am) Fluoride is poison. Two of the main compounds used for fluoridating the water supply, fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate, are both by-products of the manufacture of phosphate-based fertilizer. But what’s really disturbing, is the lack of evidence supporting the benefits of fluoride. This poisonous drug is being forced on millions of people without their consent. Many do not realize that fluoride is indeed a drug. In fact, if you decided you wanted to take it, you’d have to get a prescription for it. Yet it’s added to municipal water supplies reaching more than 180 million Americans, including infants and the elderly. This is a significant problem, because once you add it to the water supply, you have no way of gauging how much of the drug any particular person will consume on any given day. Consider this: It is illegal and unethical for a medical doctor to give you a drug without specifying dosage, and to fail to monitor your health for side effects from the drug. Yet, your water authority is not only allowed, but encouraged to add a toxic drug—fluoride—to your drinking water without your consent and without any way of knowing who in your household is drinking it, how much, and the effect it is having.
Read the rest of this informative article at mercola.com Posted in: Hygiene, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: Dr Mercola, Dr. Joseph Mercola, fluoride, fluoride dangers, fluoride water filter, home water filtration fluoride removal, mercola.com, sodium fluoride, www.mercola.com
Ron Paul questions the governments ban on raw milk Posted by Mike Furci (07/07/2011 @ 9:11 am) On May 16th, Representative Ron Paul asked, “If we are not even free anymore to decide something as basic as what we wish to eat or drink, how much freedom do we really have left?” Presidential candidate Ron Paul was talking about the FDA ban on the sale of raw milk (non-pasteurized) for human consumption across state lines. The ban began in 1987, but the FDA didn’t really begin enforcing it seriously until 2006 — when the government began sting operations and armed raids of dairy farmers and their willing customers. The New American reports: “Even if the FDA were correct in its assertions about the dangers of raw milk, its prohibition on interstate raw milk sales would still be, as Paul termed it, ‘an unconstitutional misapplication of the commerce clause for legislative ends’ … Saying he is outraged by the FDA’s raids on peaceful dairy farmers and their customers, Paul has introduced legislation to allow the shipment and distribution of unpasteurized milk and milk products for human consumption across state lines, in effect reversing the FDA’s unconstitutional ban on such sales. A Daily Finance article cited by Dr. Joe Mercola addresses the issue of safety: On occasion, people do get sick from raw milk. But the number of people sickened by raw milk compared to other foods does not seem to warrant the FDA’s focused, expensive campaign…. No government regulations of interstate commerce in peanuts, kale, or cantaloupes have been suggested, despite the much greater number of people sickened by consuming these foods. Posted in: Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: Dr Mercola, drinking raw milk, FDA, fda recalls, fun facts about milk, got milk, health benefits of raw milk, mass production of milk, mercola.com, Milk, milk allergies, milk facts, milkshake, Pasteurized milk, raw goat milk, raw milk, raw milk and allergies, Ron Paul, safety of raw milk, the benefits of raw milk, what is raw milk, where to buy raw milk, www.fda.gov, www.mercola.com, www.ronpaul.com, www.thenewamerican.com
Whole grains don’t equal health Posted by Mike Furci (06/05/2011 @ 9:34 am) Celiac disease, also more commonly referred to as wheat- or gluten intolerance, occurs when your body cannot digest gluten, a protein most commonly found in wheat, rye and barley. However, it’s very important to realize that these are not the only culprits that can cause severe problems. Other grains such as oats and spelt also contain gluten, and gluten can be found in countless processed foods without being labeled as such. The rising prevalence of celiac disease is clear evidence that we’re simply not designed to consume such vast amounts of carbohydrates so many now indulge in. The vast majority of Americans consume far too much bread, cereal, pasta, corn (a grain, not a vegetable), rice, potatoes and junk food, with dire health consequences. This even includes organic stone ground whole grains for those of you who eat only whole, natural foods. Obviously these are healthier for you, but ultimately they cause the same problems through two mechanisms: Reaction to the protein gliadin in the wheat, and an adverse increase in insulin secretion.
When you consume carbohydrates, even whole grain, the result is a sharp spike in insulin, which has a whole host of problems in and of itself. The undigested gluten then triggers your immune system to attack the lining of your small intestine, which can cause symptoms like diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. In more recent years it’s been shown that the condition can also cause a much wider array of symptoms that are not gastrointestinal in nature, further complicating proper diagnosis.Over time, your small intestine becomes increasingly damaged and less able to absorb nutrients such as iron and calcium. This in turn can lead to anemia, osteoporosis and other health problems. The rapid increase in celiac disease and milder forms of gluten intolerance is no surprise considering the modern Western diet, which consists in large part of grain carbohydrates. Additionally, modern wheat is very different from the wheat your ancestors ate. The proportion of gluten protein in wheat has increased enormously as a result of hybridization. Until the 19th century, wheat was also usually mixed with other grains, beans and nuts; pure wheat flour has been milled into refined white flour only during the last 200 years. The resulting high-gluten, refined grain diet most of you have eaten since infancy was simply not part of the diet of previous generations. (Mercola.com) Posted in: Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of organic food, celiac disease, celiac disease diet, celiac disease symptoms, corn gluten, diagnosing gluten allergy, diet for celiac disease, foods containing gluten, gluten, gluten allergy, gluten free beer, gluten free bread, gluten free diet, gluten free flower, gluten free foods, gluten free products, gluten intolerance, gluten intolerance symptoms, gluten sensitivity, Headlines, high carbohydrate diet, low carbohydrate diet, mercola.com, neurological symptoms of celiac disease, organic food, organic vs inorganic foods, processed food, symptoms for celiac disease, symptoms of wheat allergy, symptoms of wheat intolerance, the western diet, what is celiac disease, what is gluten, wheat, wheat allergy, wheat allergy symptoms, wheat free diet, wheat free recipes, wheat intolerance, whole food, whole grain
Can coffee help with sugar addiction? Posted by Mike Furci (05/04/2011 @ 9:52 am) The reason why you get addicted to any food, but particularly sugar, is because your brain has opioid receptors (heroin is an opioid). Interestingly, sugar binds to the same addictive receptors as cocaine and other addictive drugs. These opioid receptors are part of a primitive reward system that helps you detect, select and enjoy eating fresh foods over rancid ones. Today, however, we live in a world where we are surrounded, not only by food in general, but by processed foods that are typically loaded with sugar. Unfortunately, this has led to a saturation of our opioid receptors, and we’ve become addicted to foods that are extremely harmful. Now, there are compounds called opioid receptor antagonists. That means once they occupy the receptors, they prohibit you from being addicted to something else. And coffee is an opioid receptor antagonist. Caffeine can bind to your opioid receptors and may diminish the addictive impact of another substance like sugar. “If you are addicted to sugar, for instance, and you really want to train your body gradually get rid of this addiction, using coffee would be a viable way to help yourself achieve this. Train yourself to drink black coffee. Drink it sugarless on an empty stomach and you will see how, gradually, the cravings will dissipate…” Ori Hofmekler
So, all in all, it appears coffee may have some valuable redeeming benefits, particularly to boost the benefits of your morning workout, as long as you get high quality organic coffee, ground your own beans to make sure it’s fresh, and avoid adding sugar. Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet, The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Maximum Muscle Minimum Fat, and the upcoming book Unlocking the Muscle Gene is an expert on how to improve your health with foods. Mercola.com video transcript Posted in: Anti-Aging, Diets, Drinks, Food preparation, Foods products, Medical Issues for Men, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: best coffee makers, blood sugar levels, caribou coffee, coffee, coffee and health, coffee and your health, coffee beans, coffee maker, coffee makers, cuisinart coffee makers, Dr Mercola, Dr. Joseph Mercola, green mountain coffee, ground coffee, Headlines, mercola.com, normal blood sugar range, ori hofmekler, starbucks coffee, Sugar, sugar addiction, sugar consumption, www.mercola.com
Having trouble sleeping, try wool Posted by Mike Furci (03/13/2011 @ 9:55 am) You can have the healthiest lifestyle, but if you’re not getting enough sleep, over time you’re setting yourself up for disaster. Sleep deprivation can cause depression, increased risk of diabetes, weight gain, heart disease, head aches, aching muscles, confusion, and memory lapses or loss just to name a few. If you are having sleep problems, or you simply want to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep, there are many things you can do, including: * Go to bed around the same time each night, ideally around 10 PM. * Avoid snacking just before bedtime, particularly grains and sugars. * Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F (ideally between 60-68 degrees F. * Eat a high-protein snack several hours before bed. This can provide the amino acid L-tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin and serotonin. * Avoid caffeine as much as possible, especially in the PM. * Make sure you exercise regularly, but not near bedtime. There is one more thing however, that has been shown in scientific studies to improve your sleep. Wool has been proven to outperform both synthetics and down. Dramatic results demonstrated that wool bedding such as comforters and pillows: * Breathes more naturally than any comparable synthetics, so you reduce the thermal stress on your body AND avoid creating a hospitable environment for dust mites. * Increases the length of your REM sleep meaning you benefit more deeply from this vitally important stage of sleep every night. * Helps create the most optimal body temperature the body gets to a comfortable sleeping temperature more quickly and stays there longer. And, if that weren’t enough, recent studies have shown that the resting heart rate of people who sleep under wool versus those who use synthetics is 20 beats per minute less creating a more restorative sleep experience from beginning to end. Mercola.com Posted in: Anti-Aging, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Motivation, Obesity, Sexual Health, Testosterone, Weight Loss, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: cant sleep, dangers of sleep deprivation, Dr Mercola, Dr. Joseph Mercola, effects of sleep deprivation, Headlines, how do you sleep, how to sleep better, mercola.com, psychological effects of sleep deprivation, signs of sleep deprivation, sleep, sleep aids, sleep apnea, sleep apnea treatment, sleep deprivation, sleep deprivation heart disease, sleep deprivation statistics, sleep deprivation symptoms, sleep disorders, stages of sleep, wool, wool blankets, www.mercola.com