In a December Q & A, there was a questioin about a comparison between a vegan diet and the American Diabetes Associations diet for controlling diabetes. The question was raised after a reader read about a particular study advocating a vegan diet for controlling blood sugar levels. The study claims a vegan diet works as well, if not better than the standard diet for diabetics.
I think you will find the response very interesting. A case is made against eating a vegan diet for any reason. The reader is informed about the anatomy of herbivores as compared to omnivores which is what humans are. The following is a sample from the Q & A column:
Myth: You can obtain vitamin B12 from plant sources.
Fact: One can only obtain B12 analogues (similar structure) from plant sources. The problem with these analogues is they are not bioavailable, which means our bodies cannot use them.
Myth: Vegetarians/Vegans live longer.
Fact: There is no scientific proof of this whatsoever. The few studies that have reported a longer life span among vegetarians have been shown to be “misinterpreted” to support a politically correct view.
It is important to note that not too long ago a vegan diet was not even an option. Without modern day supplements and food enrichment it was not possible for a human to survive on such a diet. Too many essential nutrients are lacking
To see the entire column go here.
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Posted in: Diets, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition
Tags: American Diabetes Association, American Vegetarian Society, benefits of a vegan diet, do vegans live longer?, Herbivores, Omnivores, Vegan, Vegan diet, vegan diet caompared to Amercian Diabetes Association Diet, vegan diet for controlling blood sugar, vegetarian diet, Vegetarians, vitamin B12