Eating More To Lose Weight Posted by Staff (06/07/2012 @ 12:50 am)
Front loading your day with healthy calories like protein, fruits and dairy can help keep you full and energized. Avoid eating heavy meals before bedtime and have nutritious snacks throughout the day. These few tips go a long way to create healthy eating habits. Eat several small meals during day and concentrate your most of your calories in the morning so you’ll have time to burn them off before going to sleep. Breakfast The Foods Dairy, eggs, whole grains, and fiber. If you usually skip breakfast, start with a glass of milk or a slice of cheese with whole-wheat toast. Or, if you wake up ready for a meal, have walnut-flaxseed oatmeal with some yogurt and blueberries. Lunch The foods Vegetables, beans, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Think soups and salads. Dinner The foods Leafy greens and other vegetables, lean meats, fish, beans, and legumes. Snacks The foods Yogurt, berries, walnuts, red bell peppers with cottage cheese, whole-grain cereal with milk, and apples and cheese. Super foods that won’t break your budget Posted by Mike Furci (05/13/2011 @ 9:48 am) Are you afraid that trying to eat healthily will drain your wallet? Not to worry, some of the healthiest foods in the world are actually very, very cheap. Planet Green lists a number of foods that are great for your body but won’t break the budget: Kale- It’s loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B, and calcium, and costs just over a dollar a bunch. Broccoli and Cabbage- These low-cost cruciferous vegetables neutralize toxins in your liver. Winter Squash- It’s just a few dollars a pound, it’s a good source of vitamin B6 and folate. Sweet Potatoes- They’re full of fiber, protein, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Adzuki Beans- They contain some of the highest levels of protein of any variety of beans, and they also contain high levels of potassium, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and manganese. Black Beans= These are a good source of folate, dietary fiber, manganese, protein, magnesium, vitamin B1 (thiamin), phosphorus, and iron. Sunflower Seeds- Raw sunflower seeds contain 76 percent of the RDA for vitamin E. Almonds- Almonds are good for heart health and loaded with vitamin E. To see the rest of their cheap superfood selections, click on the link below. Posted in: Anti-Aging, Foods products, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: green planet,, Headlines, healthy diet foods, healthy foods, healthy foods to eat, list of healthy foods, planet green, super foods, vegetables
Thumbs up review of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price, DDS Posted by Mike Furci (03/08/2010 @ 2:27 am) Nutritional and Physical Degeneration is one of the most ground-breaking books ever written on the link between nutrition and health. Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist from Cleveland, became very disturbed by what he saw in his patients. He started to see a link between the decay he found in the mouths of his patients and pathologies found elsewhere in the body like diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal complaints, and more. Dr. Price also found that crowded, crooked teeth were becoming more and more common, along with facial deformities like overbites, narrow faces, lack of well defined cheek bones, and underdevelopment of the nose. Dr. Price did not believe these problems to be in any way normal; He believed they were the result of poor nutrition. The worse a person?s diet was the more decay he found in their mouth. The more decay a person had in their mouth, the higher the rate of pathologies in other areas of the body. More than 70 years ago Dr. Price decided to search the world for primitive people who lived entirely on indigenous foods. His travels took him from islands in the South Seas to Alaska to Africa and many places in between. He visited Australian Aborigines, Swiss villages, Eskimos, traditional American Indians, Amoazonian Indians, African tribes, and more. Dr. Price and his wife Florence traveled for ten years during the 1920’s and 30’s when groups of people completely isolated from civilization could be found. Throughout his travels, Dr. Price kept a record of his findings with pictures and detailed assessments. What he found, to be called astounding, is an understatement. Dr, Price discovered that primitive people untouched by civilization, who subsided on a diet of indigenous food, had outstanding physical development with little to no dental problems, heart disease, diabetes, or any other diseases we know believe to be a normal consequence of life. Dr. Price?s findings were not surprising to other investigators and explorers. However, the excepted explanation at the time was that primitive people were ?racially pure? and that the maladies we see in civilization were due to ?race mixing?. This theory was untenable to Dr. Price who found that the individuals in groups he studied who abandoned their traditional diets for foods provided by traders or missionaries, or who moved to a more civilized area were found to develop tooth decay and degenerative conditions. The diets of these primitive groups of people were vastly different. Some were mostly cooked food while in others most of the food was consumed raw including animal sources. Some diets were based on sea food, others on domestic animals and others on wild game. Some diets were based on dairy while others consumed a variety of fruits and vegetables and grains. The common thread between all the groups Dr. Price investigated was none of them contained any refined devitalized foods like white sugar, flour, pasteurized or skim milk, and refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils. All the diets contained animal foods of some type and some salt. Dr. Price analyzed the primitive diets and found they all contained four times the amount of water soluble vitamins and minerals, and ten times the amount of fat soluble vitamins compared to the modern American diet. Unfortunately, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the permanent record of his travels, is nonexistent to today?s modern medical community. This book is more important to our health and welfare today than it was 60 years ago. Our food supply, if it could be classified as food, is devoid of almost all nutritive value. We need to incorporate the fundamentals of primitive nutrition and return to nutrient dense whole food. We need to get back to local farming and turn away from manmade supermarket garbage that is destroying our health. Anyone interested in becoming truly healthy needs to read Nutrition and physical degeneration Posted in: Anti-Aging, Book Reviews, Cancer, Cholesterol, Cholesterol levels, Dementia/Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Obesity, Vitamin D, Vitamins/Minerals, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: Adkin's diet, animal fat and cholesterol, Best food for men, book review, Book Reviews, boys food, Calories in food, Cholesterol, Cholesterol Levels, diet, Diet advice, Diet and building muscle, Diet and exercise advice, Diet tips, Diets, Dr. Weston A. Price, fast food, fast food nutrition facts, fast food statistics, Food ingredients, food network, food pyramid, food recipes, food supply, Foods that build muscle, Good Cholesterol, Headlines, Healthy food oils, healthy foods, high fat diets, High fiber diet, high protein diets, how to write a book review, link between sturated fat and cholesterol, list of foods that help to lower cholesterol, list of high protein foods, low cab diets, Low Carb diet, low carb diets, low fat high protein diet, Lowering Cholesterol, man-made foods, online book reviews, raw food, raw food diet, read book reviews, saturated fat and cholesterol, stone age diet, The Eat Clean Diet for Men, the western diet, Vegan diet, vegetarian diet, weight loss foods, Weston A. Price, Weston A. Price Foundation,, whole foods, whole foods market