Raw milk is your right Posted by Mike Furci (09/04/2011 @ 9:20 am) As many of you know, there is a war against the sale and consumption of raw milk. The government, along with big business, has taken away your basic constitutional right to choose what you want to consume, by claiming it’s in the interest of public safety. However, is raw milk a danger to the public? According to research conducted by Ted Beals, MD, and published in the 2011 issue of Wise Traditions, you’re more likely to get injured driving to the farm to pick up your raw milk than becoming ill drinking it. From the perspective of a national public health professional looking at an estimated total of 48 million foodborne illnesses each year [from all foods]… there is no rational justification to focus national attention on raw milk, which may be associated with an average of 42 illnesses maximum among the more than nine million people (about 0.0005 percent) who have chosen to drink milk in its fresh unprocessed form.
Posted in: Drinks, Food preparation, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of raw milk, Dr. Weston A. Price, drinking raw milk, fun facts about milk, got milk, health benefits of raw milk, mass production of milk, Milk, milk allergies, milk facts, Pasteurized milk, raw goat milk, raw milk, raw milk and allergies, safety of raw milk, the benefits of raw milk, Weston A. Price, Weston A. Price Foundation, westonaprice.com, where to buy raw milk, www.westonaprice.com
Raw milk and allergies Posted by Mike Furci (11/18/2010 @ 9:22 am) Children raised on farms have fewer allergies than children raised in cities. 1 in 3 children are currently affected by eczema, hay fever, or asthma, as opposed to 1 in 6 twenty years ago. The number of people needing emergency hospital treatment for severe allergic reactions has tripled over the last 10 years. A new study suggests the boom in allergies is largely due to pasteurized and homogenized milk. The study shows that children raised on farms who drink just 2 glasses of raw milk per week reduce their chances of eczema by 40% and hay fever by 10%. Blood samples revealed the consumption of raw milk decreased the levels of immunoglobulin E by half, which causes allergy symptoms. Mercola.com Posted in: Diets, Food preparation, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of raw milk, drinking raw milk, fun facts about milk, got milk, health benefits of raw milk, how to make butter from raw milk, is soy milk good for you, mass production of milk, Milk, milk allergies, milk facts, milkshake, moms got milk, muscle milk, Pasteurized milk, raw goat milk, raw milk, raw milk and allergies, safety of raw milk, silk soy milk coupons, soy milk, soy milk estrogen, the benefits of raw milk, what is raw milk, where to buy raw milk
Did you know… raw milk can prevent allergic disorders Posted by Mike Furci (01/16/2010 @ 9:30 am) Does being overweight increase your risk of certain types of cancers? Does a wider grip work your lats better than a narrow grip? Get the answers to these and other questions more in my Did you know… column. …there is evidence that raw milk prevents the development of allergic disorders? A study published in ?The Lancet? (Riedler et al, 2001), indicates that children who drank raw milk, independent of other types of exposure to farming environments, had: a 52 percent lower risk of asthma, a 57 percent lower risk of having a least one wheeze attack in a year, a 76 percent lower risk of hay fever, and a 58 percent lower risk of allergies to cows, dust mites, cat dander and pollen. Wise Traditions, 8(4):71-72,2007
…the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin, Germany, is warning parents and pediatricians that babies should not be give soy formula without strict medical supervision? Germany joins the Israeli Ministry of Health, the French Food Agency and United Kingdom health officials in warning against the dangers of infant soy formula. Salmon Professor Dr. Andreas Hensel stated that the main concern for infants is the high levels of estrogenic isoflavones in the formula, which act like hormones in the body. Milk allergies are not an acceptable reason for pediatricians to recommend soy formula. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment also issued a second warning, this one to adult consumers, stating that isoflavones offer no proven health benefits and pose a health risk. Wise Traditions, 8(4):64,2007
Posted in: Back, Bodybuilding, Foods products, General training, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight training, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: benefits of raw milk, Detrimental effects of soy, drinking raw milk, fun facts about milk, got milk, Headlines, Milk, milk facts, muscle milk, Obesity, obesity and disease, obesity effects, Obesity epidemic, obesity health problems, raw goat milk, raw milk, side effects of soy, soy, soy formula, soy isoflavones, soy products, soy side effects, Weston A. Price, westonaprice.com, Wise Traditions