As many of you know, there is a war against the sale and consumption of raw milk. The government, along with big business, has taken away your basic constitutional right to choose what you want to consume, by claiming it’s in the interest of public safety. However, is raw milk a danger to the public?
According to research conducted by Ted Beals, MD, and published in the 2011 issue of Wise Traditions, you’re more likely to get injured driving to the farm to pick up your raw milk than becoming ill drinking it.
From the perspective of a national public health professional looking at an estimated total of 48 million foodborne illnesses each year [from all foods]… there is no rational justification to focus national attention on raw milk, which may be associated with an average of 42 illnesses maximum among the more than nine million people (about 0.0005 percent) who have chosen to drink milk in its fresh unprocessed form.
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Posted in: Drinks, Food preparation, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci
Tags: benefits of raw milk, Dr. Weston A. Price, drinking raw milk, fun facts about milk, got milk, health benefits of raw milk, mass production of milk, Milk, milk allergies, milk facts, Pasteurized milk, raw goat milk, raw milk, raw milk and allergies, safety of raw milk, the benefits of raw milk, Weston A. Price, Weston A. Price Foundation,, where to buy raw milk,