Do Hunter Gatherer’s Have The Secret To Staying Fit? Posted by Staff (08/15/2012 @ 12:27 am) Free Image Courtesy of
The answer must be burning calories. But, that would be wrong. The hunter-gatherer Hadza tibemen studied, although more active than Westerners, expended no more energy than those who are sedentary. Although it is tempting to use simple math when trying to manage weight, it seems that processed, genetically modified food have an incalculable negative on human biology and weight maintenance. So, if you are not hunting for your food on a daily basis, the next best thing is to eat simple, seasonal, unadulterated whole foods in their natural form. Not surprisingly, the Hadza were more physically active than Westerners. However, they didn’t expend more energy. The Hadza’s average daily energy expenditure was no different than that of Westerners, after controlling for body size, the analysis found. “We hypothesize that human daily energy expenditure may be an evolved physiological trait largely independent of cultural differences,” they write. Unlike a growing portion of the Westernized world, however, the Hadza are lean. This suggests obesity rates in Westernized countries stem from differences in energy intake — meaning more rich food than our human ancestors ate, they conclude.
Evolution of the Unhealthy American part III “A Comprehensive Solution” Posted by Mike Furci (08/06/2009 @ 10:26 am) Its not just a matter of calories in versus calories out to lose weight. This theory is simplistic and archaic with no basis in science. Fortunately, I sort through the evidence and break it down to an understandable no-nonsense approach in this final installment of a three part series. Part I Part II
All calories are not created equal, as discussed in Part II of this series. Most dieticians, nutritionists and doctors will disagree. If a calorie is a calorie, why doesn’t the percent of increased caloric intake match the percent of increase in overweight or obese individuals? The calorie consumption in men and women has increased 7 percent and 9 percent respectively, since the ?70s. The increase in the percentage of individuals who are overweight or obese has increased almost 20 percent in each category. And remember, this increase literally occurred in less than 30 years, which is less than a generation. Why such a discrepancy between calories consumed and weight gained? Because there’s more to this epidemic than the amount of calories people are consuming. The problem we Americans face is that most of the foods we eat are not only lacking any nutritional value, they are made with ingredients that can have serious health consequences. So let’s get right down to business. You want to get healthier and leaner? The following are some of the worst foods and ingredients we consume, and we need to stay away from them (listed in no particular order). When it comes to the following, there is no moderation. If these foods are eaten regularly — you will pay the price.
Posted in: Cholesterol, Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition Tags: Bad Calories, calorie theory, calories in versus calories out, Carbohydrates, carbohydrates and obesity, causes of obesity, counting calories, cutting carbs, Fructose and obesity, Good calories, Obesity epidemic, overweight, polyunsaturated fat side effects, Polyunsturated fats, processed foods, should you count calories, side effects of soy, soy and obesity, soy side effects, stone age diet, stone age man
Evolution of the unhealthy American Part II Posted by Mike Furci (06/11/2009 @ 10:01 am) How did our country get so unhealthy? In this second part of a series, ?Our Deteriorating Diet?, I explain what caused our weight gain and its inherent health risks. Many experts claim we, Americans, just eat too much. Is it just a matter of calories in versus calories out? Are we really eating too much or is it what we eat? Do man-made substances in our food supply really make a difference in our ability to maintain a healthy weight? Find the answers to these questions, and other interesting facts you wont see anywhere else. Humans are carnivorous animals and the Stone Age diet, Dr Voegtlin challenges, was primarily one of a meat and fat eater. Like the carnivorous dog, our jaw moves in a vertical motion. A herbivores’ jaw moves in a rotary fashion. We have canine teeth, ridged molars and incisors designed for crushing and tearing. Unlike herbivores that lack canines and have flat molars, mastication is unnecessary and we do not ruminate or chew cud. Our stomachs hold two quarts, empty in about three hours, secrete hydrochloric acid, lack bacteria and cannot digest cellulose. A herbivorous sheep’s stomach holds eight and a half gallons, never empties, digests cellulose, and bacteria are vital to its function. A herbivore’s stomach doesn’t secrete hydrochloric acid, which is primarily for the digestion of protein. Carnivores like man feed intermittently while herbivores continuously feed (graze). A herbivore’s digestive tract is five times the size of man’s relative to our body size. Unlike herbivores, man’s colons are short and our rectums are small and do not contribute to digestion. Man’s gall bladder has a vital function and is well developed. The function of a herbivore’s gall bladder is weak or nonexistent because of the lack of fat in their diet. The volume of feces from man is small because our digestive efficiency borders on 100 percent. A herbivore’s feces are voluminous because their digestive efficiency is less than or equal to 50 percent, and they must eat large quantities of food.
Posted in: Cholesterol, Diets, Food preparation, Foods products, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition Tags: Bad Calories, Bet foods for staying thin, Caloric sweeteners, calories, calories in versus calories out, causes of obesity, children and obesity, diet, Dr. Walter Voegtlin, food industry, food supply, Fructose and obesity, Good calories, Hunter gatherers, man-made foods, Obesity, Obesity and cardiovascular disease, Obesity epidemic, processed foods, simple sugars, stone age diet, sugar consumption, the agricultural revolution, USDA Economic Research Service