Did you know?
Posted by Mike Furci (03/12/2009 @ 6:49 pm)
Bullz-Eye.com Fitness Editor Mike Furci answers readers questions about water, U.S. hospitals and myths about salt.
…it?s not necessary to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to maintain optimum health? We?ve been told this arbitrary recommendation for years. There is little evidence for or against any of the supposed benefits of extra water, such as increased toxin excretion, improved skin tone, lessened hunger, and reduced headache frequency. A review of the available research concludes that for average healthy people, more water doesn?t mean better health. (Mercola.com newsletter)
To read the rest of the Q&A, click here.
Posted in: Anti-Aging, Bodybuilding, Exercise, General training, Hormone replacement, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Power lifting, Sports Health and Fitness, Weight training
Tags: Best workout advice, Fitness advice, Fitness news, Fitness tips, Hormone replacement therapy, How much water to drink a day, Human Growth Hormone, Nutrition advice, Weight Lifting advice, weight lifting technique, Weight lifting tips, Workout information
Keep your New Year?s Resolution this time around
Posted by Anthony Stalter (01/14/2009 @ 5:16 pm)
Bullz-Eye.com Fitness Editor Mike Furci has a game plan for you to achieve your New Year?s resolutions by using the strongest muscle in your entire body ? your mind.
“Desire is actuated in the heart but is sustained in the mind.”
It’s that time of year again when people resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, stop smoking, exercise regularly, etc. The problem is most good intentions don’t last much more than three to six weeks.
People look for that perfect diet or training program hoping it will magically move them toward their goal. The fact of the matter is, you can have the best trainer, the best program and the best diet, but if you don’t have the right mind-set, and learn how to maintain it, you’re doomed.
Without the right mindset, it’s not worth the aggravation — and in some cases the expense — to initiate a change in your life. You must first exercise your strongest muscle, your mind, and put yourself in the right direction on the right path. How far are you going to get, driving a Porsche 911 Turbo the wrong way down a one-way street? Ultimately, will it matter if you used a Porsche or a Taurus, if you’re headed in the wrong direction? Use the following information to not only put yourself in the right mindset for your resolution, but for life in general. Being positive is imperative for a successful outcome to all of life’s endeavors.
(Read the entire article after the jump.)
Posted in: Exercise, Men's Health and Wellness, Motivation, Nutrition, Sports Health and Fitness, Weight training
Tags: Diet and exercise motivation tips, Diet and Exercise plans, Fitness tips, Setting fitness goals, Tips to keeping your New Year's Resolution, Tips to stay healthy in 2009, Ways to keep your New Year's Resolution, Ways to stay focused on your deit and exercise