New Study Suggests That Belly Fat Is Worse Than Obesity For Your Heart Health

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The Body Mass Index (BMI) is generally used to assess overall fitness, however, a new study has found that weight concentrated around the middle can be more harmful than obesity itself.

The waist to hip ratio is proving to be a better predictor of heart disease and other illness than BMI alone.

Participants were divided into six groups based on which of the three BMI groups they fell into, and whether they had a normal or high waist-to-hip ratio. Men whose waist measurement was 90 percent or more of their hip measurement were considered to have a high hip-to-waist ratio. The same was true of women; those with waists that were 85 percent of their hip size were classified as having a high hip-to-waist ratio.

Participants with normal BMI but a high waist-to-hip ratio had the risk of dying of cardiovascular disease, and the highest risk of dying from any causes among the six groups.
The risk of cardiovascular death was 2.75 times higher, and the risk of death from any cause was 2.08 times higher among normal-weight people with “central obesity,” compared with normal-weight people who had a normal waist-to-hip ratio.
“The high risk of death may be related to a higher visceral fat accumulation in this group, which is associated with insulin resistance and other risk factors,” said study researcher Dr. Karine Sahakyan, also of Mayo Clinic.

Men can be highly susceptible to accumulating belly fat and inactivity, poor diet and stress contribute to visceral fat.

Keeping your abs toned and your middle “whittled” is the best way to avoid disease and keep your heart strong.


5 Things to Keep in Mind when Losing Weight

People struggle every day to lose weight. Many try with dieting alone while others incorporate exercise into the mix. If you have been trying to lose weight without success, there are a few things that you should consider. You want to be certain to lose weight in a healthy way to protect your general health and to ensure that you do not quickly gain back the weight that you have lost. Use the following tips to help you to drop those unwanted pounds and keep them off.

1. Know how much weight is safe to lose. This is extremely important as you could cause yourself to become unhealthy by losing too much weight too quickly. Measure your waist and calculate your BMI or Body Mass Index. Learn what numbers are healthy for you. What should you weigh based on your body type and height? This is an important number to know before you begin.

2. Eat more. This may sound strange considering you are attempting to lose weight but studies have shown that people who eat more frequently tend to lose more weight. Eating frequently keeps your blood sugar at a stable level and gives you the energy that you need for those workouts.

3. Don’t diet, make a lifestyle change. The most successful weight loss experiences are by those who choose to change the way that they eat forever. This does not mean that you cannot have another burger or ice cream sundae ever again. It simply means that you will begin to make healthier choices as a general rule. Add fruits and vegetables to your plate and avoid fatty foods as much as possible.

4. Remember to lose safely. Doctors agree that one to two pounds each week is a safe amount to lose. If you want to keep your weight off, you will need to lose it safely. Keep in mind that depending on how much you weigh now, you could lose more than two pounds for the first few weeks. After that, you should stabilize at a couple of pounds per week until you reach your goal weight.

5. Drink Water. This is a very important step. Water will keep your system cleaned out and promote overall good health. It will also help to flush impurities from your system and aids in weight loss. Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water each day and add a few extra glasses on the days that you exercise.


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