Exercise can be bad for your health Posted by Mike Furci (06/21/2010 @ 9:53 am)
We all know that exercise is good for our health. Exercise helps to improve our cardiovascular system, and respiratory system; resistance exercise helps to improve muscle function and will prevent age associated muscle atrophy. But did you know exercise, especially high intensity exercise by flooding it with free radicals. Free radicals are chemical marauders that can affect every cell in your body causing DNA mutations, premature aging, cell death, muscle weakness, fatigue and chronic oxidative stress. So how can you get the best benefits of regular exercise?without placing your body at risk in the process? Proper antioxidant support is one effective way: Extensive research shows that safe, natural substances including vitamins A, C and E, N-acetyl cysteine, lutein, rosemary leaf extract, turmeric, green tea, bilberry and grape seed extract are all potent free radical quenchers?and you can find all of them in a single daily formula from Vitamin Research Products called Extension Antioxidant.6-15 Supplementing with nutrients that will help your body to replenish its essential ATP levels is another key strategy?one that will improve muscle function plus increase your heart?s stamina and help it to keep up with the demands for more ATP during exercise.16 D-ribose is a pentose sugar that can help to maintain ATP regeneration in your body, especially following exercise. Studies document that D-ribose can supply extra amounts of ATP to your heart muscle in particular.17-18 Meanwhile, the popular antioxidant coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) also plays a vital role in ATP synthesis, and can improve energy production when your body is under physical stress.19 It?s no surprise, then, that research shows that regular CoQ10 supplementation can boost exercise tolerance, lessen fatigue and improve physical performance in active subjects.20-23 Whether you?re a casual exerciser or an amateur athlete, look for the highly bioavailable form of CoQ10, preferably the second generation CoQ10-H2?, to combine with Extension Antioxidant and D-ribose?which are all available from VRP?for a supplement-based strategy that can reduce your recover time plus maximize your strength, energy and endurance throughout each and every workout.
www.vrp.com Posted in: Endurance, Exercise, General fitness, Nutrition, Weight training, Workout programs, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: 100 abdominal exercises, ab exercises, antioxidant and free radicals, back exercises, benefits to exercise, definition of free radicals, Exercise, exercise and fitness, exercise equipment, exercise lose weight, exercise machines, exercise programs, exercise resistance bands, exercises, exercises for losing weight, exercises to lose weight quickly, exercises to lower blood pressure, Exersize physiology, free exercise program, free radicals, free radicals oxidative stress, Headlines, naked exercise, resistance band exercises, resistance exercise, resistance training exercises, types of exercise, water aerobics exercises, what are free radicals, why is exercise important
Best exercise for building big lats Posted by Mike Furci (12/05/2009 @ 5:03 pm) Over the years it has been well established that performing exercises behind the neck, like lat pull downs, is detrimental to the shoulder joint. The unnatural movement pattern of bringing the bar behind ones head causes external rotation combined with horizontal abduction, which places the shoulder at a great risk of injury. However, when the lat pull down is performed to the front of the head, there is a lower stress on the shoulder joint because of a higher degree of stabilization by the rotator cuff muscles. Not only is the front of the neck lat pull down (FNL) a safer exercise, but it allows for a great range of motion. Despite the amount of empirical and anecdotal evidence illuminating the possible negative effects of behind the neck pull downs (BNL), proponents tout is greater efficacy for building bigger lats. But Is there a difference in the activity of the primary movers during different lat pull down exercises? A recent study analyzed the electromyographical (EMG) activity of 3 different lat exercises. The exercises used where the BNL, FNL, and V-bar behind the neck lat pull (V-bar). Twenty four experienced weight lifters participated in the study performing 5 reps with each exercise, with electrodes positioned over 4 muscle bellies (pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid, and biceps brichii). Although a previous study (J Strength Cond Res 16:539-546) showed a greater activity of the latissimus dorsi muscle using FNL when compared to the BNL, this was not the case with the present study. (J Strength Cond Res 2009:23(7);2054-2060) If your objective is to build bigger lats, than any of the 3 exercises in this study can be used with equal activation. However, with no advantage being found in this or any other study to date performing the BNL, one should question it’s use. There is no movement in sport or daily activity that the BNL mimics. Conversely, the FNL mimics movement patters in sports and daily activities helping to reduce injury and improve function. There are a few concerns I have with this and previous studies analyzing prime mover activation in lat exercises. The distance between the hands, which were the same for this and other studies, has a huge impact on the range of motion, the load used, and EMG activation. The closer the grip one uses performing a lat pull down, the greater the range of motion and load, which consequently yields a greater activation of the prime movers. Changing exercises alters movement patterns and muscle recruitment, which can increase or decrease the load used. A greater load, which elicits a greater EMG activation, can always be achieved with movements to the front of the neck as opposed to the back of the neck. For this reason, using the same load for all 3 exercises doesn’t show the true ability of an exercise to activate target muscles. The correct load used would be such that each exercise was performed with maximum intensity. Only then can there be an apples to apples comparison. Posted in: Back, Bodybuilding, General training, Power lifting, Specific workouts, Weight training, Workout programs, Xternal Fitness, Xternal Furci Tags: back exercises, back strengthening exercises, free weight lifting programs, Headlines, journal of strength and conditioning, Journal of strength and conditioning research, lat exercises, lat pull downs, Weight Lifting advice, weight lifting exercises, weight lifting technique, Weight lifting tips, weight lifting workouts, Weight training
Round glutes, strong back, bigger hams, The Deadlift Posted by Mike Furci (04/09/2009 @ 11:04 am) Like the squat, the deadlift involves the largest muscle groups in the body: the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps and erector spinea. And like the squat, it is a very hard, taxing exercise to perform. Consequently, for this reason alone many people don’t use the deadlift in their routines. The gluteus maximus is utilized most in the beginning of the movement when there is a large degree of hip flexion. The glutes work in unison with the hamstring to extend the hips. The hamstrings, located on the back of the upper thigh, become more involved as you begin to decrease the degree of hip flexion as you raise the weight. The erector spinea, which run the length of your spine on both sides, are statically contracted throughout most of the movement keeping the normal curvature of the spine. A static contraction of the rhomboids and the trapezius muscles help maintain the shoulders. The quadriceps muscles are involved with knee extension. Extension of the body occurs when the upper body, torso and pelvis rotate up and back. In a properly performed deadlift, this will happen simultaneously with the hips moving forward and the knees extending. Two of the biggest mistakes I see when this movement is performed are locking the knees out before the upper body is extended or allowing the back to “round” and magnifying the kyphotic (upper back) curvature while de-emphasizing the lordotic (lower back) curvature. I need to add that a slight curve of the upper back will present no danger and will happen to most while using heavy weight, but if you look like the hunch back of Notre Dame while performing the exercise that’s a different story. The main reason your lower back would round, which could cause devastating trauma to the lumbar area, is weak erector muscles. There are various exercises you can use to strengthen your lower back like good mornings, arched back good mornings, arched back stiff legged deadlifts, and reverse hyperextensions, but good mornings and its variation in my opinion are probably the best exercise for this purpose.?????? The Dead lift Posted in: Back, Bodybuilding, Legs, Power lifting, Weight training Tags: back exercises, core exercises, Deadlift, exercises for glutes, exercises for strengthening your back, glutes, hamstring exercises, how to build a bigger back, how to build bigger hamstrings, How to perform the deadlift, posterior chain