Here’s something to strive for . . .
'Everything starts and ends with the core. No core no nothing!' — LeBron
(via kingjames/IG)
— Sports Illustrated (@SInow) September 2, 2017
Here’s something to strive for . . .
One Quick Chest Workout That Leaves You Crying The chest is composed of large, powerful muscles, capable of withstanding intense force and trauma. That being said, it usually takes extra focus and effort to significantly wear them out and leave you with that lingering, ever-so-sweet soreness. Since added work is necessary for peak chest stimulation, workouts are often structured with Arnold-style immensity, from the countless numbers of sets, to the fine-tuning exercises that can go on ad nauseum. All of the aforementioned can mean a serious time commitment in the gym, but what about if you only have a few minutes to tear it up before you have to head out? The answer is: The Nemen (Nee-men) Special, which can reduce your mighty chest musculature straight down to rubble; all in one exercise. What you will need: A bench, 45 lb barbell, eight – 10 lb plates (these weights may vary due to individual strength), preferably a partner, and a hearty appetite for suffering. The exercise resembles that of a lightweight bench press drop set, with maximum repetitions being executed at each weight increment. If done correctly, meaning you attack each interval intensely and are 100% unable to complete a repetition on your own, you will be getting double takes from your fellow gym-goers as they walk by and chuckle at the image of you painfully struggling to rep out with just the bar. Set 1, Four tens per side: To failure. A spotter should help you with the last one or two reps, then once the bar is racked, remove the weight with as much speed as possible – time is of the essence! Set 2, Three tens per side: To failure. Set 3, Two tens… Set 4, One ten… Set 5, Just the bar! By set 5, you should be working up a sweat, perhaps be slightly winded, and defintiely have a hearty exhaustion permeating your upper body. Although the bar is, well, the bar, the load should be adequate enough to reduce your pecs to a whimpering mess and you should get to the point where you need a spot to rack it. Congratulations, you now know one of the most time-efficient chest nukes; next time you are lookign to quickly shred your pecs before class/work/a night out, give the Nemen Special a try!
Comments Off on One Quick Chest Workout That Leaves You Crying Posted in: Bodybuilding, Chest, Endurance, Exercise, General fitness, General training, Men's Health and Wellness, Specific workouts, Uncategorized, Weight training, Workout programs The Rowing Machine: King of Cardio Equipment It is of the utmost importance to any exercise-oriented individual that an adequate amount of cardiovascular exercise is completed regularly. Whether you are a bodybuilder with 22″ arms or simply a lean yoga enthusiast, the rule applies across all levels. Without a properly trained heart and lungs, your body misses out on a whole slew of health benefits and a decreased risk of heart problems; not to mention creating a disproportionate distribution of vitality within your body. Sure, your biceps have veins thicker than a garden hose, but what about what’s on the inside? A dedicated gym goer may look at his/her six pack and scoff, “Cardio? My aerobic-free training has me leaner than ever and sweating it up on the Stairmaster for an hour isn’t my idea of a worthwhile workout.” OK, valid point, but a high performance vehicle is for nothing if the goods under the hood are garbage. Moreover, if you pack on muscle yet refrain to train your cardiovascular system, your physicality will resemble a hulking Toyota Tundra with the dinky engine of a Honda Civic. Struggling. So, why rowing; better yet, why the rowing machine? Well, considering rivers that weave through your neighborhood with adequate boat houses are scarce, the rowing machine is the best substitute to mimic the movement and reap the rewards of such activity. Better yet, you never have to worry about bad weather, and even better than that, a great cardio workout can be accomplished in a fraction of the time that one may be looking at when getting on board an elliptical or treadmill. The majority of people are under the assumption that rowing is an upper body intensive movement. Although there is some truth to that statement, the driving force in a successful rowing motion is derived from the lower body, where the body’s powerful leg muscles are able to sustain prolonged exertions that only they can deliver. Need more reasons to try the rowing machine? How about the fact that the word impact can’t even be found in the same sentence as rowing machine, unless the word ‘low’ is front of it. Unlike running, which places unnecessary stress and trauma on the knees and ankles, rowing favors a far more fluid, floating sense of power and work. As your body moves back and forth over the rolling seat, your joints praise you as they are gently coerced into the flexion and extension of various limbs. Still need more reasons? One of the greatest aspects of the rowing machine is that it is a cardio exercise that trains your whole musculature; not just your lower body, as many machines do. When stepping away on the Stairstepper, one can feel the sole distribution of strain compiling itself on your legs, while the upper body remains slack and in complete boredom. The rowing machine ties the two sides together, with the legs generating the massive power and force for each stroke and transferring it up the body, giving your abs, arms, shoulders, and of course, back, an awesomely toning workout. If you have located and affirmed the presence of a rowing machine at your local health club, here is a great way to get introduced to the motion:
Of course, it isn’t so easy to master the rowing stroke on your first few tries, so keep in mind these pointers:
Sample Warm-Up: 20 strokes arms only 20 strokes arms and back only 20 strokes half leg extension 40 strokes full leg extension (full strokes) Sample workout: 1 x 3000M, 1 x 2000M, 1 x 1000M, 1 X 500M, 1:00 rest in between each. As you may notice this is a descending pyramid type of workout and it is great because mentally, the workload becomes easier and easier as you pass through each interval. Select workout, then select Interval Variable, then enter the first distance, followed by the three others; then the rest. The first 3000M should be done at 60-80% of your VO2 max, with that intensity increasing until the last 500M goes by at an all-out effort. That’s it for now, I hope you can look into incorporating the rowing machine into your next workout and join the thousands who swear by rowing as the King of cardio.
Comments Off on The Rowing Machine: King of Cardio Equipment Posted in: Cancer, Endurance, Exercise, General fitness, Neck, Workout programs Tags: cardio, cycling, Endurance, heart healthy, lean, weight loss New Study Suggests That Belly Fat Is Worse Than Obesity For Your Heart Health
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is generally used to assess overall fitness, however, a new study has found that weight concentrated around the middle can be more harmful than obesity itself. The waist to hip ratio is proving to be a better predictor of heart disease and other illness than BMI alone.
Men can be highly susceptible to accumulating belly fat and inactivity, poor diet and stress contribute to visceral fat. Keeping your abs toned and your middle “whittled” is the best way to avoid disease and keep your heart strong. Comments Off on New Study Suggests That Belly Fat Is Worse Than Obesity For Your Heart Health Posted in: Abs, Cholesterol, Cholesterol levels, Diabetes, Diets, General fitness, Heart disease, Medical Issues for Men, Men's Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Obesity, Testosterone, Weight Loss Tags: belly fat, BMI, body mass index, cortisol, Heart disease, reducing belly fat, reducing cortisol While there is no magic bullet to shrink your belly fat, choosing the right beverage is a step in the right direction. Avoiding added sugars and including ingredients like pineapple, loaded with bromelain which aids in digestion and reduces inflammation, as well as coconut oil, avocado, green tea, and dark chocolate, you can increase your belly busting odds. Read more for the drinks that help you stay slim. Comments Off on 6 Elixirs To Shrink Belly Fat Posted in: Abs, Drinks, General fitness, Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss Tags: anti-inflammatory, belly fat, losing belly fat, shrink belly fat |