CDC is part of the vaccine scam

It is no secret that I’ve been opposed to the H1N1 vaccine from the begin of the pandemic fiasco. For the last few years Ive been trying to educate people on the dangers of vaccines in general. There is no data that shows anyone should get the H1N1, HPV or any other vaccine for that matter. Those who have pushed these vaccines despite their health risks and lack of testing are motivated by money.

The vaccine scam has been rolling along for decades

The vaccine scam has been rolling along for decades

It’s well known that acheiving a top position at the FDA, the CDC and other drug regulating agencies is a stepping stone to a lucrative career with the pharmaceutical industry. The head of the CDC between 2002 and 2009, Dr. Julie Gerberding is working for Merk as the president of their 5 billion dollar vaccine division. How can we trust people who are being bought by the industries they are supposed to regulate? The US government’s number one priority is to protect it’s citizens. However, it’s blatantly obvious people like Dr. Gerberding are protecting their pocket books despite the health risks to millions.

Our government is out of control; it is no longer of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, we the people will pay the price with our health and welfare until lobbying government officials is banned.


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